Thursday, 21 August 2008

咬?还是口交?Bite? Or Blow Job?

今天上厕所看到墙上写着AXLX 01X-XXXXXX2 “咬” gxy sxx 。 看的让人费解。有谁会打给这位仁兄然后让他“咬”呢?

Today i went to the toilet and saw there is words on the wall written "AXLX 01X-XXXXXX2 “BITE” gxy sxx. Cannot understand what it means. I was wondering who will call this guy and let him bite?但是这位仁兄还蛮积极的,在隔壁一间又留下同样的留言。现在才搞懂这位仁兄的意思! 原来是“口交”!不是“咬”!

However this guy are really desperate. He left a same message at the next toilet wall. And this time finally understand what he wants to. It's "BLOW JOB" not "BITE"!
PS:In Chinese words "口" with "交" means "Blow Job" but if you write it together become "咬" then it means "Bite".


If the person who wrote those words see this blog please do not damaged public facilities in fact writing or painting on wall it's not good. And you write it wrong! Shame!